Jamie Turnbull
134 products
As a teenager I didn't know what I wanted to do when I grew up. I toyed with the idea of becoming a professional photographer. Inspired by my love of skateboarding, I came to appreciate how photography could immortalise a trick that took only a second to perform and an amazing amount of skill to execute.
I was diverted from photography by the next love of my life, philosophy. I spent 10 years at University studying all the way to a Ph.D., and beyond to a post-doctoral position in the USA. Like philosophy, aerial photography has the power to make us re-examine the familiar; and to see everyday things in new and remarkable ways.

From philosophy, I moved to a career in digital marketing (not something that I could have reasonably anticipated working in at the age of 16 in 1992), starting my company Find Me On The Internet. With the aid of technology, one person can now have a bigger effect on the growth of a business than a whole fleet of salesmen used to be able to and helping companies grow through the internet is exhilarating.
Throughout this journey amateur photography has always been a passion of mine. Yet it wasn't until I bought my first drone, in 2018, that I began to really appreciate its power to capture the world around us in surprising and novel ways. To give us perspectives on the world that are common to the birds in our gardens, but remarkable and strange to us.
Perhaps it's alright not to know what you want to be when you grow up. It might be that what you're going to be hasn't been invented yet. Perhaps my desire to be a photographer was just waiting for drones to be invented. I'll leave it to you to decide if I've been successful. Then again, I'm not sure that I've grown up yet.
Jamie Turnbull
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